Rio Trullinger
March 26, 2009

MOMMY, Tuba is laying on my toy...

OK, my big brother is snoring, I'll just slip it out... from under him.

I just need to get a better grip on it... and PULL REAL HARD...

GOT IT, I will just back out and he is not waking up....

It smells funny.... OH TUBEY...

The little white flecks was Rio and Tuba enjoying their first snow together.

Tubey, stay out and help me catch snowflakes...

Rio, you are not to attempt to bite or hang on Tuba's tail, private parts, face, or ears.


O'Rio you are so cute with your FROG...

O'Rio -- what are you doing.... under the blanket... Mommy sees your cute little butt hanging out.

O'Rio -- you are not to chew on your blanket...
You need a pig ear to chew on -- not your blankey...

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March 26, 2009